Sunday, June 12, 2016

Four Classes of Individuals in Buddhist order

Four Classes of Individuals in Buddhist order: (According to the Buddha as stated in the 'Puggala Pannatti' and the 'Anguttara Nikaya') 

1. Ugghatitannu : an individual who encounters a Buddha or Arahant in person, and who is capable of attaining the Holy Paths and the Holy Fruits through the mere hearing of a short concise discourse. Ex: Ven. Sariputta & Moggallana, Ven. Daruchiriya,

2. Vipancitannu : an individual who encounters a Buddha or Arahant in person, but who is capable of attaining the Paths and the Fruits only when the short discourse is expounded to him at some length.

3. Neyya : an individual who needs to study the sermon and the exposition, and then to practise the provisions contained therein for long time depending on the one's capabilities to attain the Paths and the Fruits during this lifetime if he tries hard with guidance from the right teacher.

4. Padaparama : is an individual who cannot attain the Paths and the Fruits within this lifetime no matter how hard one tries.

May all beings be happy & well and attain the fruits of Nibbana.

Suranda Weediyage
BA, Tripitakachariya, Dip in Pali/ Buddhism (Pali & Buddhist University of Sri Lanka), HNDBF,

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