Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Six Main Types of Celestial Beings

The Six Main Types of Celestial Beings (Gods/ Devas) according to their Abodes:

1. Akasatta Deva – Devas who reside in the sky.

2. Bummatta Deva - Devas who reside in earth, closer to the ground.

3. Rukkha Deva - Devas who reside in trees

4. Pabbatha Deva - Devas who reside in hills/ rocks

5. Vimana Deva - Devas who reside in places created due to their wholesome deeds.

6. Vana Deva - Devas who reside in forests.

The Buddhist/ Tripitaka scriptures give great details about different types of Devas, nature of their living abodes, wholesome deeds performed by them in the past life, etc. Apart from this classification, there are some other types of devas who prefer certain parts of a tree, etc. Refer Deva putta Sanyutta in Sanyutta Nikaya (SN) for more details.

May all beings be well and happy & attain the fruits of Nibbana.

Suranda Weediyage
BA, Tripitakachariya, Dip in Pali/ Buddhism (Pali & Buddhist University of Sri Lanka), HNDBF,

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